Artist | Filmmaker



Acts of Memory explores cinematic and national history through the retelling of a story of an archive lost to war and its virtual reconstruction a century later. Balancing contemplation with wit and playfulness, the film bridges past, present, and future, bringing 16mm film into collision with AI technology.

Presented in three acts, filmmaker Mairéad McClean conjures scenes from over a century ago between a worker and a researcher as they go about their daily tasks in the Public Record Office in Dublin. The film draws attention to the gestures of the actors, prompting a deeper reflection on the nature of memory while also questioning how archive material is preserved and how stories are told and reinterpreted over time. McClean weaves scenes from her own film history into this new work, subtly referencing her autobiographical films, drawing connections to key motifs in the depicted public history of Ireland.

In the film we see the delicate work of conserving salvaged burnt documents, interwoven with scenes of the filmmaker, camera operator, and actors crafting the film. The AI-generated voice, synthesised from millions of speech recordings narrating, offers insights into the filmmaking process as well as commenting on the authenticity of its own voice and what it means to be human.

Acts of Memory goes beyond its historical roots, stretching from the onset of the Irish Civil War in 1922, to become a cinematic ode bridging past, present, and future. Shot on 16mm film—a tangible link to the past—it invites viewers to reflect on how our understanding of history, memory, and cinematic expression is reshaped in moments of crisis.

The research for this project began during McClean's residency with the Beyond22 Project Team/Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland, as part of the Decade of Centenaries program at Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin. You can read more about it here.

The film production was funded by the Arts Council of Ireland /an Chomhairle Ealaíon.

a note of thanks to:

Trinity Long Room Hub Staff
The Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland Team
The Conservators at The National Archives of Ireland, The Public Records Office Northern Ireland and The UK National Archives.
The actors, Lysann Brade and Alberto Bona and the 16mm cinematographer and hand film processing wizards James Holcombe and Aerpo Films and all those who helped with the making of this film.

Acts of Memory was project funded by the Arts Council of Ireland /an Chomhairle Ealaíon.

Trailer | Acts of Memory | 2024©