Artist | Filmmaker


Synopsis and screening details

The Beginning of the End | 2012©

The Beginning of the End (3mins/super 8/2012©)


1 reel of colour super8

1 hour | 11am

1 day | Sunday

1 year | 1999

1 Country | Germany

1 City | Bremen

1 location | the Güterbahnhof (old goods station)

“I remember the day well. The light was beautiful, cold, icy, fresh and clear. My hands were freezing as I filmed the discarded bits and bobs that were lying around. A vehicle had been burnt out as I recall. It was a caravan or mobile home. I poked around in the debris with a Nizo super8 camera that I had just bought in a flea market nearby. The super8 film was already in the camera so I pressed the trigger, looked through the viewfinder while listening to the purr of the motor as the trains passed by. Whose history was I recording”

Screened at:

SONICA Festival, CCA Glasgow | 2012