Artist | Filmmaker


Synopsis and screening details



is a film based on a true story.

The starting point: a photograph taken out the back of McClean’s family home in Beragh, Co Tyrone (the location of most of her family photographs purely for the reason of light). The images shows her youngest sister, Aine holding the youngest child of the family, Padraig, with a neighbour’s child, Maeve standing on a brick in the background, her torso cut in half by the accidental framing of the camera. The year is 1987.

The film remembers that time. The explanatory text at the front takes inspiration from Robert Flaherty’s ‘Man of Aran’ where the use of background information, presented as text on a white background before the film begins, sets the scene. It's a technique used to put the viewers mind at rest when a film does not provide all the answers. Offering a backdrop allows the audience to have an understanding of what they are going to see.

World Premiere | screened as part of McClean’s survey show at Belfast Exposed, 2022