Artist | Filmmaker


Synopsis and screening details


LOW LYING FOG/DOG | 8mins |video | sound | 2017©

Low Lying Fog (dog) is a film made in 2017, the year following the sudden and unexpected death of Eamon, the artist’s brother.

She said: “ I didn’t know what the film was about when I made it but I can now see it reflects how I felt about the world I lived in at that time”.

The starting point are selected lines from the Kenneth Anger play ‘Look Back in Anger’, spoken by the actors Mary Ure and Richard Burton in the 1959 film which are placed over footage shot from the Tube window on the way to Heathrow Airport in London on McCleans journey to visit family in Northern Ireland. Intercut with this is a montage of reflective shots looking out of windows, into night time darkened spaces, flickering lights, super 8 footage of a happy trip to Venice and shots of a box of old family photographs. Some of the photos singled out here have been used in her other films, the juxtaposition speaking of returning memories, haunting moments, raw emotion, rage, hurt, helplessness, injustice and grief.

World Premiere | screened as part of McClean’s survey show at Belfast Exposed, 2022