Artist | Filmmaker


Screenings and installation details

For The Record,( 54mins/digital video/2008©) is a conversation between a daughter and her father. It is a personal story that brings into focus the wider issue of detention without trail and ask questions about its use in times of political unrest. The film centres around the attempt of the McClean to obtain her father’s official records closed to the public for 40 years in order to find out the real reason why PJ McClean was in prisoned for 4 years, 1956-1960.

During the making of the film private and public documents are un-covered and examined for clues. Testimonies are given, memories recalled, photos examined and paths are followed to the prison that was home to many men at that time. The film brings the viewer into the intimate space of personal testimony, the close up camera work blurring the space between interviewer and daughter/interviewee and father. Is there ever a ‘right’ time to discuss contentious issues from the past? What can be gained by remembering? Can a wrong be righted in the remembering?

The intention of For The Record is to remember that which has been left un-recorded and unseen through media representations of the Northern Irish. Personal remembering combined with the airing of closed public records has led to a necessary and timely catharsis.

“Remembrance and commemoration are difficult peace-making strategies and memories of the conflict can be obstacles to successful post violence adjustments, nonetheless memory must become an object of public policy after communal violence.”

“Memory, truth and victimhood in post-trauma societies”, John D Brewer

*PJ McClean is a retired school teacher (born 1933) and a Northern Irish political activist. He was chairperson of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1970's and was interned both in the 50's and in Long Kesh in 1971.

*Mairead McClean (born 1966) is a filmmaker and artist.  This is her first documentary feature.


For the Record (54mins/HDV/Col, UK, 2009) a documentary feature, funded under the AHRC Research Leave Scheme on the subject of Internment without trial.

Belfast International Film Festival | April 2009

Memory, Media, Global Formations Conference, The University of Greenwich | 2009

The Void Art Gallery, Derry, Northern Ireland | 2009

The 15th International Symposium of Electronic Arts | (ISEA) | August 2009

Omagh Arts Centre Centre, The Doohneen Cultural Centre, The Dublin Progressive Film Club, among others from 2010 to 2014.

In 2019 the film was screened at the Irish Museum of Modern Art | Art and Politics | Summer School. Fellow participants included, Marina Gržinić, Ricard Noble, Prof Antony Downey and John Gerard.


For The Record (still)